Fix the issue happened in Android 14.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Update for new Android version.
1. Regular update to fix some small bugs and improve the performance.
1. Regular update to fix some small bugs and improve the performance.
1. Regular update to fix some small bugs and improve the performance.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Regular update to fix some small bugs and improve the performance.
1. Regular update to fix some small bugs and improve the performance.
1. Some settings modified for the specific area.
1. More functions added for pro-version users.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Fix one special issue may happen in some devices.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Fix the issue of fail to share images in some devices.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. [Image to Square] For pro-version users, support to using blur image as the background.2. Fix the force close issue.
1. Modify some components to improve performance.
1. Modify some components to improve performance.
Fix the user feedback issues.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Modify some components to improve performance.
Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Some UIs modified.2. Fix the user feedback issues.
1. Modify some components to improve performance.
2016/05/01 Version 1.2.71. One bug fixed.2016/04/27 Version 1.2.61. One bug fixed.2015/08/17 Version 1.2.51. Improve one performance issue.2015/08/16 Version 1.2.41. Fix force close issues.2. Fix one UI issue.2015/08/02 Version 1.2.31. Modify some user interfaces.2. Add fonts and support user to select the font folder.3. Modify some operation of collage.